
As you would expect, we offer support for email and for hosting.  Please try to find an answer to your problems from this website in the first instance.

  • For email questions, please click here.
  • For hosting questions please click here.
  • For Linux-specific support, please click here (goes to Linux website).
  • For Windows IIS-specific support, please click here (goes to IIS website).

In the event that you are unable to resolve the problem having used our website, please contact us by clicking here.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our support.  We never forget you have a choice of where you choose to host.  We try very hard to give you exactly the support you need when you need it.  But, please try and find the answer on the Net2Air website or one of the other relevant ones first.  Thank you!

 Having said that, of course we are always happy to help, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you really need to.  We’re friendly and we try to be as helpful as we can – always.  We try our utmost to make sure that you always talk to someone who has enough technical knowledge to be able to help you and not to a telephone answerer who sounds nice but knows nothing.

We don’t use a call centre of any kind – we certainly don’t use one from overseas.  When you do need to pick up the phone, you get through to us – in the UK and speaking English!

If you do need to call us, please try and have as much information about the problem to hand as possible.  Dealing with a problem can be so much harder and so much more time consuming if you have to dig for basic information before you can start work.  Thank you.  We hope that we have done our job well enough for you not to have to call in the first place, but we’re realistic too!  Things can, do, and will go wrong from time to time but don’t worry, we’ll get them sorted as quickly as humanly possible!